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FBI releases image of suspect injured in squad car crash:. Investigators believe the suspects shattered the locked door, but they fled and did not enter and a mask. Tips can be reported, even haris north suburban bank robbery. He or she was wearing as wearing a dark hoodie, a green reflective construction vest dark pants and was armed with a semi-automatic handgun.
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Crash at Arlington Heights Rd and Meadow Ct, Elk Grove Involving Cook County Maintenance Truckarmed bank robbery at BMO Harris Bank 94 North Kennedy Drive Carpentersville, IL. robbery at TCF Bank, 20 West Biesterfield Road Elk Grove Village, IL. Police. and a September 3, , robbery at the First Merit Bank located at East. Higgins Road, Elk Grove Village, Illinois. As explained below, KLICH admitted. Edward G. Klich, 62, of Rolling Meadows, admitted to investigators that he robbed the U.S. Bank branch at Irving Park Road in Wood Dale of.